Hello Self Care

Okay, it’s a new year and I know a lot of people want to start practicing self care this year. For a lot of my friends 2018 was a hot mess and they want to take this year to focus on themselves and make sure that they are the best person that they can be. I am on the same wavelength and I’m sure a lot of you want to be your best self this year.

Taking care of yourself is the first thing to do to ensure that you’re living your best life. Here are some self-care practices to try this year.


In the gym, at home, at a class wherever, whenever. WORK IT OUT. I feel my best after a workout. At one point, for me, it wasn’t about losing weight. It was about feeling good, getting rid of stress and staying healthy. Now, I have a different agenda, but it’s still a form of self-care for me.

Face Mask

Apply your favorite face mask and kick your feet up. I don’t know what it is about face masks that make me feel calm and at ease. Maybe it’s because I can’t move my face much and I have no choice but to sit still and relax. You’re relaxing and taking care of your skin at the same time. I STAN.

Do A Hobby You Love

For me that could be writing a post, writing a chapter, practicing lettering, etc. When I’m in the zone and in my element there’s no telling what I can do.

What are some ways that you practice self care? I would love to know.

What do I like to watch on Television?

I don’t watch a lot of television and when I do, it’s reruns of an old show. However, I thought it would be fun to give you a little insight into what my favorite television shows are so here goes.

King of Queens

“My eyes are getting weary, my back is getting tight.” Any time I hear the theme song, I automatically get a smile on my face no matter what was going on in the day. I’m sure I’ve seen every single episode more than five times. When my mom and I speak on the phone, she’d say, “you know the episode with blah blah,” and I’d know exactly what she’s talking about. Doug, Carrie, Arthur, Deacon, Spencer and Danny bring joy to my heart every time.

The Jamie Foxx Show

I don’t like every single episode, but there are some gems that have left me laughing for DAYS! There’s an episode where Jamie is helping Fancy sell beauty products and he brings out this photo of a human/ ape hybrid and gives this whole speech. I die every single time. (I wish I could find a clip of that, I looked). There are so many other gems about this show especially the love story that Jamie and Fancy have in the end.

The Office

This actually became one of my favorite shows about a month ago. I decided one day to watch it on Netflix and I was hooked. It got a little boring after Michael left, yes, but it was still funny. My favorite character is Stanley because he is definitely a mood. Pam and Jim are #relationshipgoals and if you don’t agree, too bad.

Big Mouth

A Netflix original. It’s not for everyone, but it’s for me. I found out about it by chance on Twitter when my entire newsfeed was talking about it. I was bored one night so I decided to watch and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve probably watched each episode 4 times. It’s hilarious.


I wrote a blog post about my love for blackish. It’s like the modern day Cosby Show with professional/ corporate world Black parents, children who deal with modern day issues and experiences. Everything that they talk about on the show is so real and definitely relatable to Black issues. It’s just a really great show.

That’s about it. Like I said I don’t really watch a lot of television. I’m more of a YouTube watcher. Share your favorite shows in the comments. I can use some suggestions.

Apps I use everyday on my phone

I won’t say that I’m addicted to my phone, I don’t think I am but my mom may disagree. I have my phone in my hand about 12 hours a day, but I can’t help that when my career is social media. Anyway, here are the apps that I use on my phone everyday. Read ahead to see if there are any that you use as well.


I cannot live without music. I think that music heals me and if it wasn’t for music some mornings travelling on the MTA, I don’t know what I would have done. I use the app for the train ride, sometimes to get me in the mood at work, during workouts, during my downtime, whenever and wherever.


Although a lot of millennials say that Snapchat is dead, I kind of agree, it’s always nice to see the filters that they have and to see what my friends are doing. I don’t post on there as often as I did when I was in college and graduate school because frankly my life isn’t as lit as it was back then. I do like the memories feature that they have. I can see what I was doing 1 or 2 years ago on that day, pretty cool.


My obsession with YouTube started in my freshman year of college, many moons ago. Okay, not that many moons. I didn’t have a television and although my roommate at the time had one, but I didn’t want to use it unless she was there. I needed to be entertained so I started watching daily vloggers. Family vloggers, college vloggers, makeup videos, beauty, etc. Since then, I’ve been watching YouTube, watching people grow , things change, people graduate, get married, graduate, move out, move in and it’s been a pleasure. Whenever I’m not listening to music, I use the YouTube app to watch my faves on the go.


This is a no-brainer. If I need to Google something quickly, I use Safari.


I always have to check my mail. I learned the importance of checking your email in college and not only that, I hate having the notification there so I check and delete or check and respond. Sometimes email is the best way to get in contact with me if it’s something super important.


I have to know how to dress so the weather app is very important.


I wouldn’t usually use this everyday, but since I’ve moved out I use it everyday to call my mom and grandma.


I’ve been using Instagram more often since Snapchat lost it’s flavor. I like the stories feature and I just like seeing what my friends and celebrities are up to in their photos. On that note, follow me @yourstruly___t (that’s three underscores). I also use this platform for work.


Twitter gives me a chuckle every single day. There are so many relatable posts, jokes, Trump talking his shit and journos clapping back. It’s organized chaos and I love it. Follow me there too @yourstruly___t (that’s three underscores).

Comment below and let me know if you have any apps that you use everyday? Did we have anything in common?

What’s In My BUJO 2019

Last year, right before the ball dropped for 2018, I learned about Bullet Journaling. I was extremely interested because 1. I’m a planner and 2. I’m creative. What better way to keep track of my life than a cute bullet journal.

I went to Barnes and Noble, picked up a pink bullet journal and started to plan out what I wanted my 2018 to look like.

Long story short, I got lost in the sauce and lost track of myself and my journal.

This time, I wanted to try again, but with guidance. I purchased Ryder Carroll’s “The Bullet Journal Method” so that I could really get my head in the game for 2019. (Ryder Carroll is the creator of the bullet journal.)

I finished the book in 3 days (thanks to heavy MTA train delays). I was ready to start my 2k19 planning.

Here’s what I’m keeping track of this year

  1. Skillshare classes that I’m taking.
  2. Tracking my driving lessons and finally getting my license.
  3. Books on my 2019 list
  4. Budget for each of the 12 months (It’s good to have a budget plan)
  5. Trip planning (I have three trips that I want to take this year)
  6. Restaurant list (tracking which restaurants I go to this year)
  7. Money savings tracker (each of the accounts has an ultimate goal)
  8. Doctor appointments
  9. Birthdays
  10. Weight loss tracker, in increments of 10.
  11. Date nights (it would be fun to look back on)
  12. Instagram tracker (I want to post more photos on Instagram so keeping track of when I post will give me an incentive)
  13. Spending log (it’s good to know where my money is going)
  14. Debt tracker (I want to pay off my credit card this year and I want to keep track of my student loan debt)
  15. Water tracker (I already drink water, but the goal is a gallon a day)
  16. Face mask tracker
  17. Master grocery list
  18. My favorite recipes (a goal to make more home cooked meals and switch it up)
  19. Monthly challenges (I’ll write a blog post on each one…stay tuned)

Do any of you use a bullet journal? If you do what do you track? Happy New Year!

My travel necessities

Suitcase, backpack, duffel bag

Where are you going without these important necessities. You need a place to carry your clothing and everything else you’re taking with you no matter how long or short that trip is.


I definitely need headphones when I’m travelling. Even if I’m with my family or my girlfriend sometimes I just need my music to keep me zen. It can also drown out all of the foolishness that is going on around you as well.

Hand sanitizers

If you can’t make it to a restroom or you don’t need to use a restroom but you just touched everything in sight, hand sanitizer is your best friend.


I can’t function without my electronics so it’s very important that I have my chargers with me to give my electronics some juice.

Flip Flops

I learned this back when I started college and since then I  DO NOT take showers without flip flops on. IMPORTANT

Tote bag

If I know I’m going to the beach on my trip or somewhere where I need to bring a lot of things, I’ll have a large tote to throw my things into.

Water bottle

I can’t live without water, I mean none of us can, but I’m really a different story. I get cranky if I don’t have water so it’s very important that I have a water bottle so that I can refill as much as I like (also saving the environment).


Keep those arms, legs, hands and feet hella moisturized. I promise you don’t want to be ashy on vacation.

Travel size toiletries

It’s so much easier to carry around the travel size of toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, etc. It’s much lighter and easier to carry around.

Pen and Notepad  

I am always writing, so why would I stop just because I’m on vacation?

Deck of Cards

Sometimes I like to spice things up. If we’re bored one night or waiting for an event, why not play a card game or two.


You never know, get a small one just for travel.

Must haves for my workspace

To-Do List

I purchased this cute “Do Not Want To Do List” from Staples earlier this year. If I don’t have a to-do list to write the things down, I will definitely lose sight of what needs to be done. So this is a definite must for me.

Post-It Notes

If I have a quick note to write down or something that I want to stick on to my desktop at work, I‘ll use a post-it note. I like having them in colors other than the generic yellow. I like to spice it up a bit.


I have a lot of things that I work on at once and if I don’t have folders for my papers and post-it notes to go into, I’m screwed. Right now at my job, I have 8 color coded folders for the projects that I am working on. Without those folders, or if I had one folder for everything trust me I would be so lost.

Pens and Pencils

I know this is something that everyone has, but  have over 50 pens and pencils. Mechanical pencils, regular pencils, blue pen, black pen, purple, pink, green, highlighters you name it, I have it. The pen I use definitely depends on my mood (odd, I know).


If I don’t have it in front of me, I won’t drink it. Being that I’m at work for 8 hours a day, it is very important to me that I have all of the water that I need. Yes, it’s annoying to have to go to the bathroom every half hour, but I’d rather keep myself hydrated.

External Hard Drive

As I’ve said before, I work on a lot of projects at once and I also work remotely at times. I need to travel with the big files that I create, so I’ve invested in an external hard drive for that reason. Tip: If you work in media or any other profession where you have to create files and you’re afraid of losing any of those files, please invest in an external hard drive it will change your life.


I’m on my phone and laptop a lot. Running up the battery takes no time. Having my chargers with me saves me a lot of trouble and embarrassment.  

What are your workspace must haves?

November Obsessions

Last month, I found myself trying new things and I’ve become obsessed with said things. Here is a list of my November obsessions.

Fenty Gloss Bomb in Fenty Glow

I had purchased this in October, a little after the hype of Rihanna dropping her makeup line. I was using a Sephora brand lip gloss when I wanted to look cute and for normal days I would just swipe on some Carmex and head out. Last month, I found myself reaching for the Fenty Gloss Bomb AND carrying it with me in my bag for reapplication. I am obsessed. And she dropped a new shade of the gloss and I’m going to get it.

Eucerin Skin Calming Lotion

I happened upon this by accident one day. I didn’t have my usual hand lotion in my work bag so I had to get something from Duane Reade. I’ve used Eucerin in the past when I was in college, so I knew the name. When I used it I was instantly satisfied with the results. Not only did I eliminate the cold ash, but I was also instantly moisturized. I do have sensitive skin as well. I purchased the travel size, but when I’m finished with it, I’ll be purchasing the regular size.

Bath & Body Works/ White Barn Candles

I think my obsession with candles started when I moved in February. I went to IKEA to get my furniture and I left with two candles that I fell in love with. Since then I haven’t been able to stop buying candles, but Bath & Body Works/ White Barn has the best ones, in my opinion of course. The 3-wick candles give off a stronger scent. On Black Friday, I went to the mall and I promise you I wasn’t going to spend ANY money. That is until I saw the buy three get three free promotion. I walked out of there with 6 candles. I think I am obsessed.

Salada Green Tea w/ Matcha

If you have this in your local supermarket, GET THIS. Since it’s cold as hell in NYC. I have to start my day with tea so that I thaw out. I actually drink this all day. It’s so pure and delicious and I 10 out of 10 recommend.

Habits of a Successful Student

I believe that I was a successful student when I was in school. I had a lot of ups and downs, but in the end I often became victorious.

Here are things that I did that made me a successful student.

Keep A Planner


My friends and colleagues used to laugh at me because of all of the planners and calendars I used. But guess what I never missed a deadline, a practice or an event because my planner and calendar was always by my side. I used Google Calendar so I could get alerts on my phone and laptop, the school gave us planners, then I bought my own planner and then I had a dry-erase board calendar to keep me in check.

Keeping a planner will save you a lot of stress, so get you one boo.

Study Time Means Study Time


When it was time for me to study, especially in freshman and sophomore year of college, I turned off my phone, blocked certain websites put in my headphones, turned up the music and got to work. Sometimes I would go to the quiet library on campus, the other library was legit a party library too social for me.

I had to take away all of the distractions because my grades were super important to me. Do what you have to do to eliminate distractions and focus on the real reason why you’re in school in the first place.



I am super shy, contrary to popular belief, so you won’t catch me introducing myself to someone or even standing at the front. In the spring semester of my freshman, a student came into my History class to talk about joining a co-ed pre-law fraternity. Back then I wanted to be a lawyer and he sold me. I went to the interview, was called and pledged. After the process I came out less shy and with a ton of new friends and connections.  

If there is anything that I learned from undergrad, it’s that it’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know. Who I know has taken me places, and granted me opportunities that I could have never dreamed of.

Attending Office Hours


Office hours saved my ass so many times. I went the first or second week just to introduce myself to the professor because in some classes you can definitely be faded into the background, if you will. You want the professor to know you, to be able to call you by name in class, to be able to write a recommendation for you.

Going to office hours has bumped my grades up, given me someone to talk to about any and everything and given me excellent letters of recommendations SO GO.

Comment and let me know how you were or are a successful student.  

To My High School Students…

I’ve been working at my old high school as a College Coach since September. I remember when I got the job in August how excited I was to meet all 137 of my students and help them through the college process. I would be with them the entire school year and for the first month of their freshman year of college. I wanted to make a good impression on them, the bright eyed, curious pupils I call my babies.

The other day during one of their lunch periods I found myself giving college advice to a group of 5. They all know I went to SUNY Albany, which is considered the party SUNY or the lit SUNY and they wanted to know how I survived college. So here’s a letter to them, a letter of advice on how I survived.

Dear Students,

Like many of you, I was going to be the first in my immediate family to go to college. My mom and grandma were super excited, but as many of your parents are today, they were scared. Not only was I going to college, but I was going away. Three hours to be exact.

None of us knew what to expect because there was no one to ask and also, everyone has their own experiences. So here are some tips to help you get through what might be the best four, five, six (there is no time limit) years of your life.

1.Books before boys.

You might laugh, but I’m serious. Your books, your education is always going to be there, that boy may not be. I had a boyfriend in my first week of college, he was from back home. When I realized my work was more important than him, I dropped him like a hot potato. Look at me now, 2 degrees later and I’m happy.

2. The world won’t end if you miss that party.

Trust me, I’ve missed my share of parties, programs, probates and other events because I had a test coming up or an essay that needed to be handed in on deadline. It’s. O. K. There will be other times.

3. You will outgrow people.

It’s going to happen. Friends that you had in high school and freshman year are not going to be there when you graduate. It’s the harsh reality. It doesn’t happen to every friend, but it’s bound to happen.

4. If you’re going away…call your loved ones please.

I called my grandmother and mother every Sunday for the four years that I was away. Yes, I texted my mom every single say, but your family just really wants to hear your voice. Take five minutes out of your day to make them smile.

5. You’re most likely going to change your major.

I changed my major three times. Africana Studies then History then Journalism. I rotated them from majors to minors so I was able to graduate on time and still pursue my passion. Just know, it’s bound to happen young ones. You might enter as a Psychology major and graduate with a B.S. in Economics.

6. Go to the gym…or do some form of exercise

The freshman 15 is real y’all. I’ve experienced it and it took two years for me to get it off. I didn’t go to the gym until my junior year because I was too afraid of judgement. WHO CARES? Everyone in the gym is working on a goal. Remember tunnel vision.

That’s all for now. If you have any advice for my seniors comment down below. I’d love to read the responses.