Apps I use everyday on my phone

I won’t say that I’m addicted to my phone, I don’t think I am but my mom may disagree. I have my phone in my hand about 12 hours a day, but I can’t help that when my career is social media. Anyway, here are the apps that I use on my phone everyday. Read ahead to see if there are any that you use as well.


I cannot live without music. I think that music heals me and if it wasn’t for music some mornings travelling on the MTA, I don’t know what I would have done. I use the app for the train ride, sometimes to get me in the mood at work, during workouts, during my downtime, whenever and wherever.


Although a lot of millennials say that Snapchat is dead, I kind of agree, it’s always nice to see the filters that they have and to see what my friends are doing. I don’t post on there as often as I did when I was in college and graduate school because frankly my life isn’t as lit as it was back then. I do like the memories feature that they have. I can see what I was doing 1 or 2 years ago on that day, pretty cool.


My obsession with YouTube started in my freshman year of college, many moons ago. Okay, not that many moons. I didn’t have a television and although my roommate at the time had one, but I didn’t want to use it unless she was there. I needed to be entertained so I started watching daily vloggers. Family vloggers, college vloggers, makeup videos, beauty, etc. Since then, I’ve been watching YouTube, watching people grow , things change, people graduate, get married, graduate, move out, move in and it’s been a pleasure. Whenever I’m not listening to music, I use the YouTube app to watch my faves on the go.


This is a no-brainer. If I need to Google something quickly, I use Safari.


I always have to check my mail. I learned the importance of checking your email in college and not only that, I hate having the notification there so I check and delete or check and respond. Sometimes email is the best way to get in contact with me if it’s something super important.


I have to know how to dress so the weather app is very important.


I wouldn’t usually use this everyday, but since I’ve moved out I use it everyday to call my mom and grandma.


I’ve been using Instagram more often since Snapchat lost it’s flavor. I like the stories feature and I just like seeing what my friends and celebrities are up to in their photos. On that note, follow me @yourstruly___t (that’s three underscores). I also use this platform for work.


Twitter gives me a chuckle every single day. There are so many relatable posts, jokes, Trump talking his shit and journos clapping back. It’s organized chaos and I love it. Follow me there too @yourstruly___t (that’s three underscores).

Comment below and let me know if you have any apps that you use everyday? Did we have anything in common?

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